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  • 24考研题源外刊阅读《今日心理学》双语精读版训练
    发布日期:2025-01-04 15:25    点击次数:155
    为了让大家第一时间看到优质考研内容千万!千万!千万!记得【星标】或【置顶】考研外刊阅读每晚21:00,外刊君陪你考研中国高翻团队倾力之作词数:416 words难度:★★★☆☆上期划线句答案1We also know that when people use a gift card, they often end up spending more money when they finally redeem it.我们也知道,人们用礼品卡时,最后兑换的时候往往会花更多的钱。1. redeem: to exchange a piece of paper representing an amount of money for that amount of money or for goods equal in cost to that amount of money本期内容双语阅读Para.1Earlier this year (2023), the Pew Research Center asked a representative national sample of adults in the U.S. what they thought it would take to live afulfillinglife. Participants were asked toindicatethe importance of 5 factors: being married, having children, having close friends, having a job or career they enjoyed, and having a lot of money.今年(2023年)年初,皮尤研究中心在美国调查了一群有代表性的全国成年人样本,问他们充实的人生需要什么。该机构要求参与者排出5个因素的重要性:结婚、有孩子、有密友、有自己喜欢的工作或事业、有很多钱。点击此处查看翻译1. fulfilling/fʊlˈfɪl/adj. 令人满足的,使人有成就感的v. 实现(愿望),履行(诺言); 实行,执行(任务、职责,角色); 使满意,充分发挥……的才能(fulfil 的现在分词)2. indicate/ˈɪndɪˌkeɪt/v. 表明,标示; 象征,暗示; 间接提及,示意; 指示,指出; (用灯光或手臂)打行车转向信号; 有必要,被建议点击此处查看词汇词组Para.2Having close friends was considered far more important: 61 percent said it was very or extremely important to living a fulfilling life, compared to just 23 percent for being married and 26 percent for having children. The number-one key to a fulfilling life, though, was not any of those things; it was having a job orcareeryou enjoy. More than 7 in 10 (71 percent) said this was very or extremely important in order to live a fulfilling life. This didn’t seem to be just about the money that employment brings; only 24 percent said that having lots of money was a key to fulfillment. What seemed to matter was that the work was enjoyable.61%的人认为拥有亲密的朋友对充实的生活非常或极其重要,相比之下,只有23%的人认为结婚非常重要,26%的人认为有孩子非常重要。然而,让生活变得充实的关键并不是上面任何一件事;而是拥有一份你喜欢的工作或事业。超过七成(71%)的人表示,要想拥有充实的生活,这一点非常或极其重要。这似乎不仅仅是因为工作赚到的钱;只有24%的人说拥有很多钱是充实的关键。重要的似乎是工作是你喜欢的。点击此处查看翻译1. career/kəˈrɪə/n. 职业,事业; 职业生涯; 速度,行程adj. 就业的,职业的; 终身从事的v. 猛冲点击此处查看词汇词组Para.3In a previous post, I made thecasethat we are living in the age of friendship. Our changingdemographics, needs, and values are consistent with a growing appreciation for close friendship. Increasingly, friends are represented in serious ways in popular culture, and scholars, too, are more often turning their attention to the study of friends. What they are finding is impressive. For example, in a study of more than 300,000 adults from 99 nations, people who valued friendship more were happier, healthier, and more satisfied with their lives.我在此前的一篇文章中指出,我们生活在一个友谊的时代。我们人口结构、需求和价值观不断变化的趋势与我们日渐珍惜拥有亲密的友谊是一致的。朋友,越来越多地以一种严肃的方式出现在流行文化中,学者们也越来越多地把注意力转向对朋友的研究上。他们发现的结论令人惊讶。例如,在一项对来自99个国家的30多万成年人的研究中,更重视友谊的人更快乐、更健康,对自己的生活更满意。点击此处查看翻译1.case/keɪs/n. 具体情况,实例; 病例,病案; 诉讼,官司; 案件,案子; 容器,箱子; 事实,论据; (特定处境或品性的)人v. 围绕,包盖; (盗抢前)探察,踩点儿; 装入保护容器内2. demographic/ˌdɛməˈɡræfɪk/adj. 人口的,人口统计的n. (具有某种特征的)群体; 人口统计数据点击此处查看词汇词组Para.4Discussions of the decades-long decrease in the percentage of married people and the equally longstanding increase in the percentage of lifelongsinglepeople have focusedoverwhelminglyon the former. Why, it is asked, are rates of marriage declining? That’s a marriage-centered way of thinking. Too oftenneglectedis the singles-centered perspective that instead asks why so many people are staying single. That framing invites the possibility that many people are embracing single life for what it has to offer, not settling for single life because they never found The One.已婚人口的比例在几十年来一直在下降,而终身单身的人的比例这么多年里在上升,关于这两方面的讨论几乎都集中在前者上。有人问,为什么结婚率在下降?这是一种以婚姻为中心的思考方式。而人们经常忽略的是以单身为中心的视角,问问为什么这么多人一直单身。翻译划线句,长按文末小程序码打卡,答案下期公布~点击此处查看翻译1. single/ˈsɪŋɡəl/adj. 单一的,单个的; 单身的,未婚的; 各自的,分别的; 单人的,单人用的; (花)单瓣的; 唯一的; (酒的)一份v. 挑选,选出; (棒球)击出一垒打; 对(幼苗,幼树)进行间苗; 将(铁轨)变成单线n. 单曲唱片; (板球中的)一分打,(棒球中的)一垒打; 单身者,未婚者; 单程票; (旅馆等的)单人房间; 单打(比赛)2. overwhelmingly/ˌəʊvəˈwɛlmɪŋli/adv. 压倒性地,不可抵抗地3. neglect/nɪˈɡlɛkt/v. 疏于照顾,未予看管; 不予重视,忽视; 漏做n. 忽略,忽视,未被重视点击此处查看词汇词组Para.5I call those people single at heart. As I've noted elsewhere, "Many single people areflourishingbecause they take advantage of the freedom and autonomy they often have in their lives, as well as the opportunities to live psychologically rich and meaningful lives. They flourish because of the skills they master, thesolitudetheysavor, the people they value, and the love andintimacythey enjoy."我把这些人称为自愿单身的人。正如我在其他地方所说的那样,“许多单身人士的生活都是一片欣欣向荣,因为他们把握住了生活中经常拥有的自由和自主,以及心灵富有和有意义的生活的机会。他们的欣欣向荣源于他们掌握的技能,他们享受的孤独,他们珍惜的人,以及他们享受的爱和亲密。”点击此处查看翻译1. flourish/ˈflʌrɪʃ/v. 繁荣,昌盛; 挥动; (植物或动物)长势好,茁壮成长n. 夸张动作; (讲话或文章的)华丽辞藻,修饰; 花彩号声; (手写花体字的)花饰2.solitude/ˈsɒlɪˌtjuːd/n. 独居,独处,孤独; 偏僻的地方,无人居住的地方3. savor/ˈseɪvə/vt.尽情享受;使有风味;加调味品于;品尝,欣赏n.滋味;气味;食欲4. intimacy/ˈɪntɪməsɪ/n. 亲密; 性,性关系; 亲昵的言语(或行为); 熟知,精通; 亲切宜人,幽静; 私事点击此处查看词汇词组本文节选自:Psychology Today(今日心理学)发布时间:2023.09.19作者:Psychology Today原文标题:The Key to a Fulfilling Life? It's Friendship, Not Marriage写作句总结I made the case that we are living in the age of friendship.结构:I made the case that we are living in the age of ….我表示我们生活在一个…的时代。例句:I made the case that we are living in the age of development.阅读理解题According to the article, what perspective is often neglected in discussions about the increase in lifelong single people?A) The perspective that focuses on the decline in the percentage of married people.B) The perspective that questions why rates of marriage are declining.C) The perspective that explores the benefits of embracing single life.D) The perspective that criticizes settling for single life.C点击此处查看答案打卡作业在草稿纸上翻译文章中的划线句,完成每日的打卡练习!下期推送会公布参考翻译答案,大家一起来学习英语吧~外刊君为同学们汇总了《经济学人》,戳码回复“J88”,下载pdf源文件。(戳码回复“J88”)• END •排版/外刊君图片/来源网络中国高翻小组

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